“The one thing we need to be talking about is how we now accommodate this new world we’re living in.”



“Two years of disruption, and now the Great Resignation. Candidates and employees have multiple offers and it’s putting a strain on an already exhausted workforce. The pandemic forced employees to re-evaluate what is a work-life balance, causing flexibility and hybrid to become topics of discussion, and even demands.

“Treasure Secretary, Janet Yellen said. “Our policy-making has not accounted for the fact that people’s work lives and their personal lives are inextricably linked, and if one suffers so does the other.” People are saying they want flexibility, but flexibility means different things to different people. The one size fits all approach is no longer a sustainable model.

“There is still a reluctance to allow hybrid solutions because some believe that we do better together, and to some extent, that could be true. But the success or failure of offering flexibility is not an employee issue but rather a manager challenge. The future will be strategically goal-driven, relying less on “where” and “when” a person achieves their goals and more on “how”.

“The last two years have changed us, and we – not just AEG, but the business world – have to look at how we now accommodate the new world we’re living in.”



